Fruit juice is recommended for children by pediatricians. Because it provides abundant vitamin C and additional water for children. It is also a rich flavored water, which children will easily accept. Fruit juice is considered a healthy source of natural origin contains many vitamins, minerals, including calcium. Although fruit juice consumption is beneficial, it also has potential disadvantages.

Do you think juice is good for children in any case? Not really. In fact, drinking too much juice also tolerates large amounts of sugar, causing obesity and tooth decay. Fruit juice can also cause diarrhea in young children.

Composition of fruit juice

Water is a major component of fruit juice. The next most common nutrients in juice are carbohydrates, sucrose, fructose, glucose, and sorbitol. Fruit juice also contains small amounts of protein and minerals.

The amount of calcium in fruit juice is estimated to be approximately the amount found in milk, but it lacks the other nutrients of milk. Some juices also contain potassium, vitamin C, A. Vitamin C and fluorvonoid in juices have long-term health benefits, such as reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease for children.

The juice does not contain fat and cholesterol, but it also does not contain fiber. In some cases, fruit juice causes resistance or inactivation of the drug. For example, grapefruit juice, this juice contains enzyme inhibitors in the wall of the small intestine. This leads to a change in the absorption of some drugs for the digestive tract.

When fruit juice brings harm

All delicious drinks have a similar feature that is loaded with sugar. Pure juice will be better than soft drinks in this part. But it is also inevitable that high sugar content from sweet fruits. Children will be overweight if parents do not restrict them to indulging in juicy juices. With the exception of milk, children do not need to drink any packaged beverage that is high in calories. What is needed to rejuvenate the body and the best thirst for children is still pure water.

Using too much juice will unbalance the calories and nutrients children need. In young children, drinking lots of juice will reduce appetite.

In 2001, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a guideline saying that fruit juice should not be given to children under 6 months old. And really fruit juice is not necessary until the child is 1 year old.

When children drink too much fruit juice during the day can lead to flatulence, chronic diarrhea, stomach pain …

How to give children juice to drink?

Fruit juice used properly, at the right time, appropriate age will be a healthy part of the diet of children.

Newborn to 6 months: At this age the most important food for babies is milk. Absolutely not for children to drink fruit juice.

1 to 6 years of age: Can drink about 118ml to 177ml of the day. Give your child juice only after meals or during light meals. Avoid putting fruit juice in bottles and letting toddlers sip all day, which can lead to tooth decay in children.

7 years of age and older: At this age children are encouraged to eat fruit rather than juice. Because this will provide both vitamins and fiber, it will be better for children. Juice can give children about 237ml to 355 ml of the day.

You should dilute the juice with water. Children should not drink juice before going to bed. In fact, feeding children will have fiber, so it will be better. Children should not give fruit juice as a main meal, this will make them malnourished by affecting carbohydrate absorption and the lack of other essential substances.

Choose juice

Children are the largest customer group in fruit juice consumption.

When you buy pure prepackaged juices, you should choose carefully to avoid affecting the health of children. Choose the type of pasteurization and make sure. Read carefully on the product label, shelf life and main ingredients. For natural fruit juices, the mark should clearly state 100% pure fruit juice. For the type with added additives, it is necessary to take a closer look at what it is, what percentage of pure juice is.


Fruit juice is not good for babies under 6 months old.

Eating whole fruits with fiber is better than just drinking fruit juice.

Fruit juice is not used in case the child is dehydrated and has diarrhea

Drinking too much fruit juice can cause babies to experience flatulence, bloating, tooth decay, and malnutrition




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