One of the most obvious signs of aging is skin lack of firmness. The place that shows this most clearly is the face and neck.

There are other cases due to genetics that the neck is not toned, skin sagging, wrinkled. This impression is called “gooseneck”. Many people choose surgical methods to stretch their skin. But this is also an option that brings many unforeseen risks. Now the natural method from muscle exercises, combined with skin care will bring the optimal effect for you.

Why does neck skin age faster than other areas?

The skin of this area is thin, it contains less fat tissue and sebaceous glands compared to the face skin. This is why the skin on the neck is usually dry and quickly aging than other areas. On the other hand, the neck muscles are less connected to the bone structure so it easily loses elasticity. Blood passes through the neck area and circulates more slowly on the face. And yet another important thing, this is the skin often forgotten when women take care of their bodies.

How to prevent premature aging of the neck skin


Always remember to apply sunscreen to your face and neck when outdoors and in the sun. You should combine sunscreen lotion and anti-aging. The minimum number of sunscreen is 30 SPF, so apply before 15 minutes. Minimize sunlight from 10 am to 3 pm. Even if it’s cloudy, apply sunscreen because 80% of ultraviolet rays can penetrate the clouds.

Replenish collagen

Collagen and elastin are substances that prevent the skin from sagging and having certain elasticity. Many foods have been shown to help replenish collagen and prevent skin sagging. If you use collagen supplement cosmetics, you should choose a design specifically for the day and night.

Avoid sudden weight gain or loss

Weight gain makes your skin tight and stretch. The chin seems bigger, the neck contains more fat. When rapid weight loss in this area of ​​skin is not promptly elastic and firm, they become saggy and wrinkled.


Exfoliate once a week for this area. Apply moisturizer to them every day.

Perform the exercises

Exercise helps the skin be balanced and toned, the skin of the neck is no exception. These exercises are a combination of the face and neck muscles. Need to repeat it to create a daily routine. Helps skin to look younger and reduce the rate of aging.

Sit comfortably in a chair, tilting your head back. Meanwhile your tongue tries to touch the roof of the throat, leaving it there for 10 seconds. You should feel the tension in the neck muscles. Repeat this operation 4 times.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, breathe in slowly, head slowly backward until your face is parallel with the ceiling. Hold this position for a few seconds, then exhale and lift your head up until your face is facing the ground. Do this gesture 2-3 times a day.

Place one hand on your forehead, pushing your head back, while using the force of your head to resist. When you do this, you will feel the tension in your neck muscles. Hold this position for about 10 seconds. Then clasp your hands behind your head, pushing your head forward to create pressure.

You sit, lifting your chin slightly forward. Perform a chewing motion, this time you will see the entire face and neck muscles working.

Lift your chin up and use your hands to swipe downwards from the top. Perform this action several times. You can apply massage oil more effectively. Day done, 2 times morning and evening.

Turn your head to the left and raise your left foot about half a meter from the ground. Then lower your legs and head to follow. Repeat the same thing to the right. Perform 10 times on each side.

You do a head tilt to the left, slowly until the left ear touches the left shoulder. Do the same thing to the right. Each side 10 times. Day 2 times.

Types of masks for the skin of the neck

Olive oil: Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to warm water. Use a cotton ball or soft, absorbent cotton cloth to wrap around your neck. Store this solution on your skin for 30 minutes. Then use a paper towel to wipe back.

Potatoes: Boil a small amount of potatoes just used, finely ground, mixed with cucumber has been finely ground. Clean the skin of your neck area. Apply this mixture for 15 minutes and wash again with cold water. This mask makes your skin feel fresh and smooth. Cucumber contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other natural minerals. You can also place a few slices of cucumber in the freezer for 5-10 minutes and use it to tighten the skin of the neck.

Banana + Avocado: Banana and avocado both work to rejuvenate the skin of your neck. These two fruits contain many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Blend both of these fruits very smoothly, just enough. Apply them on your neck for 20 minutes. Then washed by cold water. The downside of this type of mask is that it is slippery and easy to slip out of position, you should use a soft cloth to wrap a loop outside.

Vitamin E: Squeeze out about 3 vitamin E capsules, mix with 2 teaspoons of yogurt, half a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of lemon juice, add a pinch of salt. Apply this paste on your neck, leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

Egg white: For wrinkled neck skin, you should choose this type of mask. Use 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. 1 pinch of salt. Mix well and apply to the neck, leave on for 45 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Rice bran: Use a sufficient amount of rice bran, add 1 tablespoon carrot juice, yogurt, lemon juice just enough. Forms a gelatinous paste. Apply this mixture on your face and neck. Leave on for 40 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Milk: Soak a soft towel in warm milk. Wrap around your neck for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. After this step, you apply a little lotion will make the skin of the neck become strangely smooth.




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